Thanksgiving, 4 designs, 3 of each design
Outside: In Everything Give Thanks
Inside: Wishing you a season filled with God's goodness and a blessing and thankful heart. Thanksgiving Blessing to you
Outside: You're thought of at Thanksgiving with a simple, heartfelt prayer...
Inside: ...for God above in His great Love to keep you in His care
Outside: A Thanksgiving prayer for you
Inside: Lord, in this beautiful season of Giving Thanks, we're grateful for the blessings we have received. Thank You for the joys that have refreshed us... the strength that has been ours through challenging times... and for the faithful way You've been our guide and provider for every need. We praise You, Lord, as the Faithful One from whom all blessings flow. Amen May your hearts and home be blessed as you celebrate His goodness in a joyful feast of thanksgiving. God Bless You Richly
Outside: Give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good.
Inside: May you be blessed with reminders of God's goodness -- His faithful provision of constant care and the rich bounty of Peace and Joy that are ours through Christ. Thanksgiving Blessings